• Malchand Pareek

Malchand Pareek

From pagan cultures to neo-classical, the tree of life holds a tremendous amount of cultural significance regardless of how it is represented. As an aspiration for the spiritual development of society, its iconography was sophisticated during the bronze age. There was much inspiration in the Indian folk tale morphology that is rooted in the 'Tree of Life' context. Women are actively engaged in these mythological folk stories during household celebrations. An environment full of poignant trees tells a fascinating story about righteous conduct or a more pragmatic understanding of social values. Even so, there is a contextual representation in some folk wisdom that gives us hope. Malchand Pareek continues, "We are too foresighted to look at our habitat while overlooking the mysticism of trees. It's common for us to agree with human conquest to find a new home on other planets and devalue our relationship and affection for trees. As my artwork contains philosophical abstractions, my dilemmas, fears, and an attempt at an inclusive vision of the world's cosmic energies."