Alamu Kumaresan

Alamu Kumaresan graduated Masters from Madras University, Government College of Fine Arts 2007, lives and works in Chennai. Having been an art facilitator has provided an intensive work experience with young minds and the travel has given the space for self-observation and reflection of the self which slowly drove into taking up art as a full time engagement. Alamu says Art has been a tool that gives me the will to take up the path towards my own being from where my expression of love and gratitude for people and nature springs. I believe in creating my works that transcends the viewer from his fast moving mind to a more tranquil, observing and aware state which creates a soothing effect and acts as a mirror to see the moment as what is and to reflect one's inner nature in totality. I interpret nature through its many varied forms and intricacies of which texture entices me the most and I feel a great sense of fulfilment when my works finds expression through it. Thus my works are in the form of intricate patterns and textures woven with fabric, thread, yarn, embroidery and paint. The materials I work with are very close to me and I find it very free flowing and therapeutic when I use them to convey my observations of people I am inspired by, their nature, the background which beholds the life around them.