• Bhartti Verma

Bhartti Verma

Bhartti Verma


2010BFA(Painting),CollegeofArt,University of Delhi, New Delhi

2012MFA(Painting), College of Art, University of Delhi, New Delhi

BharttiVermawas born in Delhi and has been living here since then and yet has never seen Delhi being silent. In this crowded city she always found herself alone and would only find solace and peace inside the buildings which she had created in her paintings. Whenever she looks out of the window of her house, she sees the congested area and no sign of peace for which she longs. Hence, the paintings project an imagery of mystical landscape whose creation itself is an intensive way to commute with my dream city. In her childhood days, she used to marvel at the ‘top view’ of the buildings, unlike other kids who found themselves being fascinated by clouds, birds etc. This fascination with the structural quality of these brick structures first emerged in a visual form during the 1st year of BFA and since then, these imitative drawings have evolved in a way to become an intrinsic part of her visual language.

This gradual shift from being secondary element to primary, now roots deeper in Bharatti'sconscience and her search for solace has led her to draw a conjoint between the present city and past objects. The objects that she used to ponder in her childhood and have become a memory now. Bhartti'slonging for these objects as much as she longs for the solitude in present time and hence her painting is a conscious attempt to attain both. The monochromatically painted works replicate the present(city) with the past(memories) by

introducing colored imagery only in the object. Sometimes the city adheres to the object and other times the city has been livedthrough the framed contour of the object. The mystical composition is also a dialogue for the existence of memories and past objects in relation to present times. The works “Time Worn”, “Typewriter” and “The Time Capsule” are some of this kind. The artist's explorations also include collecting and using found objects on 2-D surface, creating installation and using kinetic objects to enhance the viewers engagement with the artwork