• Rajendra Shyam

Rajendra Shyam

Rajendra’s shy and unassuming nature, is diametrically opposite to his bold and almost-symmetrical visual style. He is a force to recon with in the gond art market. His paintings are dense in their treatment and there is always perfect symmetry. He has adopted banda, the rope used to bind sheaves of grain, as his motif to provide texture to his forms. “It is the banda which ties the crops so the farmer can sell them and feed his family.” In gratitude, Rajendra uses this symbol as his signature. Rajendra has exhibited his works extensively in India and overseas. He has showed at Nottingham's New Art Exchange Gallery, London in 2009. His depictions of tales of deity Bada Dev have been exhibited at Horniman Art Gallery London in June 2011. He has also participated in numerous workshops, most notable being an animation workshop at NID.