• Sharmi Chowdhury

Sharmi Chowdhury

Born in 1974, Kolkotta,  Sharmi is a practicing artist from Vadodara. In 2003 she completed her graduation in painting from Kala Bhavan, Viswabharati University, Santiniketan, West Bengal, as well as in 2005 she post graduated in painting from M.S. University, Baroda, Gujarat. She has done her two solo exhibitions in 2008 at Art alive Gallery, New Delhi, And In 2005 At Sarjan Art Gallery, Baroda. She has participated in several group exhibitions and attended several art camps which were held in countries including Spain & Germany In 2007, Mexico In 2008. Her canvases enact human relationships. Though she works usually in oils on canvas, Sharmi has experimented in different media like acrylic and tempera and even water colours but her style has remained the same regardless of the medium. She also uses materials like silk pulp paper and natural colours to create some ethereal works which is also a quality that makes her work special.