• Sriniya Chowdhury

Sriniya Chowdhury

Sriniya Chowdhury


2010BFA (Sculpture), College of Art, New Delhi

2012MFA (Sculpture), Govt. College of Art and Crafts, Kolkata

Lives and Works from Delhi

The cultures to which we belong affect the way we act and express ourselves. Gender, or the roles, qualities, and behaviors that separate men from women, has been conceptualized by philosophers, social scientists, and historians since the mid-nineteenth century. The behaviors considered feminine or manly; vary from one culture to another and across time periods.

Art has always questioned social norms, posing as a form of rebellion. Art has the ability topowerfully confront gender norms and the socially created idea of gender through its visual representations. It is high time that we, actively participate in breaking stereotypical binary roles and deconstructing gender identity!

‘Costume Party’ is a celebration of innocent childhood minus the pressures of gender stereotypes; because forces of patriarchy are tricky for all genders! Every human should get a chance to decide their own roles and course of life.