09 Oct, 2022 - 03 Nov, 2022


Trees have had the most significant parts to play in our lives since the beginning of time. They symbolize prosperity, health, nature, and reflect life itself. Whether it is by giving shade in the sun, providing food and nourishment, or helping with medicine and beauty, trees are essential for the existence of life on Earth. As such, they hold a sacred place in history and culture of the world.


In Hindu culture, trees are revered as divine beings. There are many examples in Hinduism that place trees as sacred symbols of the Gods. The Peepal tree, or the Sacred Fig, is considered a source of power, with the leaves and trunk representing Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu, respectively. Also mentioned in the Bhagavad Geeta is the importance of Banyan tree: “The Banyan tree with its roots above, and its branches below, is imperishable.” In Jainism and Buddhism, Peepal holds a special place for meditation and relaxation. It is believed to be under a peepal tree, called Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi, one of the oldest trees present today, that Gautama Buddha received his enlightenment. In Islam, Sidra-tul-Muntaha is a large lote tree mentioned in the Quran, that is situated at the furthest boundary of the seventh sky, beyond which no creation can pass. Whereas in Christianity, the Tree of Life is the centre of the Heavenly and Earthly Eden and is the source of good and evil knowledge.


The Tree of Life is an important symbol in nearly every culture. With its branches reaching into the sky, and roots deep in the Earth, it dwells in three worlds-a link between heaven, Earth, and the underworld. It is both, a feminine symbol bearing sustenance, and a masculine phallic symbol. The essence of a tree as giving being, that gives shelter, sustenance, and healing, is also an important factor of its prominence in all cultures. Whether it is the sycamore trees in Egyptian mythology, or symbol of the Christmas tree, trees reflect the life cycle of creation, shedding leaves, and sprouting new growth. Trees have long been linked with spirituality. An inverted tree is considered to be the map to inner spirituality, the branches and veins also mimicking the human nervous system. In some cases, the tree is an abode of the Gods, whereas, in others, the tree itself is a God. There is no doubt that trees give life, whether that is literally through the air we breathe or figuratively through the countless benefits they provide. Without them, the world would be left barren. Our exhibition, “the Tree of Life” aims to portray all these cultural representations of trees through the experienced lenses of our artists. This Festive season join us at our gallery, as we showcase some of the best artworks that depict the significance, personification, and eloquence of the Tree of Life.